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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Updated: Apr 19, 2020

~by Ruth West

Luck o’ the Irish, Shamrocks, Rainbows, Elves and Fairies, Pot o’ Gold – how we look forward to March and all the fun of this special holiday!

Ireland is noted for its deep connection to Nature and Its “Little People”, through the Celtic heritage. There are many who have met Nature spirits, Little People, Elves, and Fairies because they think about them, connect to them, and believe in them. These are respected individuals, who have had experiences with the “Little Folk” – not just people we label “Flakes.”

The Universal Laws advise us that we create our own luck by drawing to us what we think about. What you believe in – you receive. What you think about, you attract. You can apply these laws to the delightful Spirit Beings who inhabit the World with our Human Species.

You may be very skeptical, but if you return to your natural state of childhood open-mindedness, wonder, and awe, and EXPECT something good to happen, you will get delightful surprises of all kinds – who knows, maybe even that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Shift your thoughts - change your life! Expect blessings of all sorts!

Here is an Old Irish Blessing just for you:

May the road rise to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun, shine on your fields

And the gentle rain, water your life

And until we meet again,

May the Creator hold you

In the hollow of his/her hand.

Bless you and Namaste

~ Crone

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